For IT related business, there are special statutes and special provisions. Case laws related IT business have been gradually established. For IT related business operators, it is recommended to pay attention to these laws and consumer law, personal information protection law and labor law.

Earth& Law Firm has dealt with IT laws fields, application of patent, trademark and copyright, making related contracts and demand letters, negotiation, mediation, litigation and advice about related matters. We are providing services to foreign business entities. Also, some attoney in our office is making applications and website himself using JAVA, RUBY, HTML, etc.

For each related law fields, please click the specific item located below or in the right field.



Is there difference between IT law field and other law fields?

There are differences in requirements for formation of contracts, right of customers to revoke contracts and so on.

An anonymous person posted a remark defaming me on the internet. Is there any measure to tract him?

When your case satisfies the elements required by Limitation of Liability of Internet Provider Act, you can possibly obtain his information and take lawsuit against him.

